From low-hanging fruit to high-impact strategies: the future of value creation in Private Equity

In our latest paper, “From low-hanging fruit to high-impact strategies: The future of value creation in Private Equity,” we discuss why relying mostly on financial engineering is no longer a viable strategy to build value in Private Equity.
Rethinking sustainability: are you ready for the next evolution?

Half of the planet’s population is expected to vote in 2024. Elections and our choices will certainly shape the speed of sustainability and climate actions. Read this article for a ‘hand picked’ selection of sustainability and climate trends to watch in 2024 and onwards, impacting across all sectors.
Embracing radical collaboration and authentic communication across industries

How can we inspire eight billion people to live differently in the face of pressing global challenges? Read the article below as we explore the transformative power of radical collaboration, communication and collective action in our latest article.